Money Back Guarantee* if you don’t win, up to £250!

Important Information

Prize Arize primary function is a competition website, raffling of prizes to lucky winners. We can help you make you money back guaranteed through a separate system which you yourself can decide to do (or let us help do for you), if you are hesitant to take part on our competitions in fear that you will not win anything. It’s up to you!

Unlike competitors, we reinvest your money (guaranteed to be recouped up to a certain amount) into future prizes and businesses, enabling us to sustain competitions without relying solely on ticket sales. It’s a win-win for us and you, with nothing to lose.

Spend up to £200-£250 with us over the course of 2/3 years, if you don’t win anything we will help you recoup your money and also work towards giving you free entries for as long as possible

Enter to win our cars for just 99p. If you don’t win, contact us on WhatsApp to ensure you get your money back, up to £250, and receive future free entries

Ready to Win?

Video Summmarized & How it Works

IconChoose a prize you’d like to win, pay for your ticket(s), and receive your random number in your account and email

Icon Watch the live draw on Insta / Facebook to see if you’re the winner. Dates are available in the product description

IconIf you don’t win anything after spending £250 over 2 years, we can help you recover your money if needed.

Icon You will have the opportunity to enter future draws for free without any additional cost to you

More on Money Back Process

Psst… remember it’s guaranteed, we’ll help do it for you if you’re lazy, and the money you spend with us can be used to help enter you for free in the future.

In News Articles

See what the likes of the Guardian, SaveTheStudent, Telegraph and Express have to say about matched betting

YouTube Reviews

Take a look at these reviews on YouTube who explain more in detail and their personal experience: example 1, example 2 and example 3

Facebook Groups

Have a look at groups like example 1 and example 2 on FaceBook to see people sharing their success stories with matched betting

Completed Offer

Want to see what a completed offer looks like with the profit at the end? Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything, that’ll be done for you!

Success Stories

Emma, Clark and john lives changed due to MB, and you’ll only need a fraction of that to recoup your money from our competitions

One Last Thing!

We can provide as much proof as you want, end of the day its up to you if you want the chance to make your money back & enter for free in the future